Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

TIT: 1. 
TIT: 2. 
HT. 3. 
Chief. Eng. C.-O. Ternryd, Sweden: Photogrammetry, electronic computa- 
tion and automatic drawing in highway planning and design to-day and 
Mr. H. Kaji, R. Kamiya, M. Nasu, Japan: Applicability of analytical 
aerial triangulation to staking out of highways. 
Eng. L. Skladal, Czeckoslovakia: The application of photogrammetry to 
civil engineering and industry in Czeckoslovakia. 
Mr. H. Morito, K. Shimazaki, Japan: A method for route location and 
project design induced from combination of computor with contoured 
orthophoto or topo map. 
Dr.-Ing. W. Blaschke, Germany: Lecture meeting 17.10.1966. A summary 
on the introduction of photogrammetry into highway design. 
Symposium of Commission V, Praha, 1966. 
Dr.-Ing. W. Blaschke, W. Germany: Über den Stand und die Probleme 
der Anwendung der Photogrammetrie im Ingenieurbau. 
Ing. H. Bonneval, France: Leves Photogrammetriques graphiques et nu- 
meriques pour les projets d'autoroutes. 
Prof. Dr. Ing. P. Gal DrSC, Czechoslovakia: The App'ication of photo 
grammetry in Technical Geodesy in Czechoslovakia. 

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