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the existing surveying date and the map producing agencies.
Possibly the most important goal for the national carto-
graphic committee is to assess the future needs for control surveys
and maps. A useful mean to acquire valuable information in this
regpect is the organizing of national surveying data and map
users conferences as it is done for instance in Canada and in
the U.S.A. - Besides this information, it is however necessary to
consider the future needs of surveying data, maps and their
revision in the framework of the future national economic and
‘technical development of a country. This requirement demands that
national cartographic committees must be essentially economy
minded. It is further to be taken into consideration that many
countries are involved in economical and technical assistance
programs for the developing countries, including assistance in
the cartographic exploration. This item must be equally included
in the assessment of future dceds for surveying data and mapping,
and in the planning for the future, This brings us to the
coordination of cartographic assistance in many developing
countries, The question arises here how this coordination can
be achieved in such a way that unnecessary duplication and waste
of money is avoided. To be true, one must confess that a higher
degree of international coordination would be desirable, Fortu-
nately, there are indications that the Cartographic Section of
the Organization: of the United Nations will be more Concerned
with these matters in the near future. The organization of