Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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| STUDYING is listed for reason that an appreciable amount of knowledge 
and understanding has to be derived by personal activity. A teacher or 
a training scheme is not always available, books and thinking and 
trying to formulate experience into new rules are invaluable, especially 
in the developing field of photo-interpretation. 
The ultimate function cf education and studying is in very general 
terms "to nourish a better expectation", which on its turn stimulates 
the visual activities. With this statement we are back to the lower 
corner of the coloured diamond into which all the previous cards were 
positioned. This is also the point where the arrow points at; with 
time (if used well), the expectations conduct more and more of the 
visual perceptions (Fig. 5) 
[Two extreme methods to improve learning should not be left out, 
we feel, although we do not have the intention to propagate them. 
Reinforcement, by giving reward, attention, encouragement, or 
the opvosite policy as punishment for failure, are common practice 
in almost any society. 
New are DRUGS and other chemicals, For instance, proteins are 
recently being applied to correct mental disability. 
Experimental evidence is accumulating on the effect of the protein 
concentration in the daily food and the capacity of learning, 
There seems to be a positive correlation between brain weight and 
consumed proteins, which enforces at a later age limitations to the 
education level and speed of learning. Time 1968” 
Another extreme form of reinforcement is the so-called 
BRAIN-WASH, This expression alone suffices to bring us in a state 
of emotion and revolting attitude, due to the methods applied. 
(severe physical and mental discomfort) and because of the aims. 
However, to learn something new, often means to forget something 
we were familiar with ( Ceraso 1967). This is true for facts and 
for more complex behaviour; an unconventional method is not 
attractive to many persons who already have à way of thinking, of 
living, of doing things. Is this one of the reasons why the impact 
of photo-interpretation in many professions is rather slow, 
although the advantages are proven to be real? À modest brain-wash 
might be necessary, but who will apply it? Students? Society? ] 
x (11-16 March 1968 Conference, Unesco Building Paris, 
- Time,May 17, 1968). 
The author is aware that this literally translated Chinese 
expression "hsi nao" truly denounces the unacceptable methods 
and goals. (See Plokker 1961). 

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