Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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This is the reason it was included as "Technical Sideline of 
Photo-Interpretation". Indeed, with some sense the technical elements 
lens, retina, brain and mind (the last one being of non-technical 
nature) can be viaced along tne sidelines. In similar positions, the 
typical disciplines optics, chemistry, electricity, and linguistics A 
characterize the energy conversions and the information transfer. 
At first sight, language seems to fit badly in the group, but this 
provocation once more underlines the basic differences between body 
and mind, the modern duality between energy and information. 
Another disti 3 hasi zed inti ] 
tinction was emphasized between Pointing and Perception, 
which in the scheme were separated by the time-arrow. Registration in 
photogrammetry is of a more physiological character than is perception 
for photo-interpretation, 
[me optical Image Formation by the eye's lens is based on the eye's 
anatomy, its involuntary movements, and is specified by the optical 
parameters, one of them being Imaging Quality. 
The card "White Light Sensitivity" belongs to the retinal proper- 
ties, and has nothing to do with image formation, 
The chemical processes in the rods and cones of the retina are 
triggered by the received light quanta. The retina covers all blue 
cards, except the second and the last one; a fair indication of its 
importanceo In fact, the retina is considered as a piece of brain 
tissue, adapted in location and structure to its specific function 
of transferring the energy of light quanta into chemical form and 
subsequently into electrical pulses; 
On the way to the central brain, the pulse-trains are already 
combined and filtered - and finally the information is stored, 
Here it is correct io use the expression information, because we 
assume that the energy modulations indeed contain a message, which 6 Bb 
was not known to the observer, but which he vaguely expected and - 
was able to receive. Molecular biology is dealing with these 
processes, together with other disciplines. 
The mind thinks and works in terms of language. Classification 
and recollection are easier by giving objects a name, by expressing 
experiences in words, as Vernon indicates repeatedly in Ch. 2 and 
Ch. 3. Interesting experiments about bi-lingual communication, 
published by Kolers (1968) show another aspect of the interaction 
of perception and language. 
It is obvious that data-processing in words and symbols has its pure 
physical side too. Thinking evokes also electrical activity in the 
brain (encephalograms!), and it is here that Biophysics and 
Information Theory come in, see for instance Chevallier (1966). 
However, when speaking of mind, the emphasis is on the human 
aspects, thus on language.]

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