Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Now, the Memory also seems to be understood in terms of chemistry: the 
short-term memory stores the information in the form of RNA (ribo nucleic 
acid), the long-term memory'!s central library of information is build up 
of DNA (deoxyribo nucleic acid). (See, for instance, Agranoff 1967). 
This progress of molecular biology changes the matrix considerably. 
Fig. 9 illustrates the shifting boundary, and emphasized another major 
change in the concepts Psychology should also include the time-arrow; 
after all, the psychology of learning contains the only possibility for 
practical consequences of this study. 
It is interesting to finish with one practical result of Agranoff (1967): 
Goldfish, and probably man too, do not easily transfer the short-term 
memory contents into the DNA of long term memory if they are forced to 
stay in the same room as where the teaching took placeo o 3 
However, when allowed to swim to another part of the aquarium, the knowledge ; 
is stored permanently and not easily forgotten, 
The board of Commission VII, when fixing the title of this invited paper 
of Working Group 1, obviously was of the opinion that work in the new 
field would be relevant to photo-interpretation and thus should be 
The author has shared this opinion, and the Netherlands have aocepted to 
take the responsibility for the invited paper. 
To be honest, during the last year, the composition of a paper in the 
sense of the originators of its title, has often been felt as a burden, 
Therefore, it is fair to state that - after finishing the writing - the e o 
author is grateful to have had the obligation and the opportunity to look 
around in this most human field of the I S P, 
In appreciation of the initiative taken by Professor Chevallier and 
his Commission VII colleagues, the author hopes that he has contributed to 
the development of photo-interpretation and takes the opportunity to thank 
for the trust that has been placed in him, 

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