Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

pp 230, 
rican 6 
Hess, EoHo, 1965 
Mac Adam, DoLo, 1966 
MacNichol, EoFo, 1964 
Makarovió, B., 1966 
Mekel, J.F., J.F. Savage, 
H.C. Zorn, 1967 
Nathan, J. 1961 
Naumann, H, 1960 
Neisser, Vo 1964 
Nes, F.L. van, 1968 
O'Connor, D.C. 1967 
Palmer, Do Ao 9 1964 
Physics, 1960 
Plokker, JoHoy 1967 
Rëhler, Re 1962 
Smith, W.J., 1966 
Sperry, R.W. 1964 
Tolansky, Se, 1964 
Trindery J.C., 1965 
Usami Yo 9 1 967 
Attitude and Pupil Size. 
Scientific American 212 (4) April, 46-54. 
Colour Science and Colour Photography. 
Jo Photographic Science 14 (5) p. 229-250 
(with coloured colour-triangle). 
Three-Pigment Colour Vision. 
Scientific American 211 December, p. 48-56. 
Parallax Sensing in Stereo Measurements, 
pp 19 (ITC Delft A-31). 
Slope Measurements and Estimates from 
aerial photographs. B 26(ITC-Delft) pp 32. 
Some aspects of visual fatigue. 
The Optician Vol 142 no 3681 October 20, 
p. 312-314. 
Optik für Konstrukteure (Wilhelm Knapp 
Verlag, Düsseldorf) pp 328. 
Visual Search. 
Scientific American June p. 94. 
Experimental Studies in Spatiotemporal 
Contrast Transfer by the human eye. 
Dr's thesis Utrecht University (Neth. ). 
Visual Factors affecting the precision of 
coordinate measurements in Aerotriangulation. 
Dr's thesis,(pp 251) Gimrada Research 
Note 21. Fort Belvoir, Virginia. 
Stereoscopy and Photogrammetry. 
Photogrammetric Record 4 po. 391-395. 
3 De337-374 
Physical Science Study Committee. 
D.C. Heath and Co. Boston pp 656. 
Grenzen der manipuleerbaarheid. 
Wending, December; Intermediair 3 (43) 
21 Juni 1908 p. 25 eto. 
Die Abbildungseigenschaften der Augenmedien. 
Vision Research 2 p. 391-429. 
Modern Optical Engineering (pp 467) 
MeGrawHill New York, 
The great cerebral commissure. 
Scientific American,January, p. 42-52. 
Optical Illusions, pp 156 (Pergamon Press). 
Retinal Image Criteria in Photogrammetric 
MoSce Thesis ITC Delft pp 83. 
Examination and Survey for Endurance and 
Fatigue of Operators in Operating the 
Plotting Instrument;I and II. 
J« Jap. Soc, Photogramm, 6 (3) 109-116 and 
6 (4) 111-181.

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