Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

It is the author's opinion that the expression "International" has to 
be given its intended scope, and not just be confined to "Western", 
A well-educated Frenchman, to mention a specific case, surely can 
comprehend an English summary of such a paper, whereas Thai or Japanese 
members of the ISP usually meet great difficulties with the scientific 
non-technical terms, which differ so much with their own language, that 
communication is blocked, 
However, multi-language summaries, even in non-western languages, will 
not suffice to support the ide& of "International"; new ways of cooperation 
and a global spread of activities are needed, especially after Stckhlm 56 
Lndn 60 Lsbn 64 Lsnn 68, 
The Thai summary is by B. Thamwattana, the Japanese résumé by Kim You Taik 
(Korea). The motive was found in Kolers' paper. 

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