Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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The optical stereoscope with automatic image registration! ) 
has been developed by Itek Corporation of Lexington, Mass. The stereoscope 
is usable with non-vertical frame, panoramic and strip photography. After 
an initial manual manipulation of the stereo images to within plus or minus 
10Z of actual stereo registration, the images are subsequently brought into 
true registration automatically. This is accomplished without input of 
image acquisition parameters. Image quality is determined by the optical 
system and is not compromised by the automatic image registration feature. 
Both the Superimpositon Viewer and the Experimental Double 
Image Enhancement Viewer are products of CBS Laboratories of Stamford, 
Connecticut. Both viewers utilize electro-optical techniques to accomplish 
major functions. 
The Superimposition Viewer permits simultaneous display of three 
sensor records which can be reduced or enlarged electronically and optically 
to a common scale within a range of 0.3x to 30x. The images may also be 
independently rotated and rectified for oblique and panoramic photography 
so that the three images coincide exactly. 
With such a capability, coincidence between the imagery of three 
different sensors recording at different scales, perspectives and wavelengths 
can be conveniently obtained for the subsequent discovery or identification 
of desired images. The inclusion of a variable flicker rate also permits 
the exercise of change detection techniques either between different 
sensor records or between two or three image records that differ in time 
(10) "An Optical Stereoscope with Automatic Image Registration", John W. 
Hardy, Itek Corporation, 10 Maguire Road, Lexington, Mass., July 1968. 
(Paper to be distributed at Eleventh International Congress for 

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