Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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The bibliography is tri-lingual with English as main language. Ab- 
stracts are given in the Original language jf it is English, French or 
German. For works written in other languages an abstract in English is 
provided. The abstracting is done in part by the ITC itself, in part 
by correspondents and cooperating institutions in other countries. 
Bach title is printed on several cards, once for an alphabetical au- 
thor £ile and once for sach subject or.point of view treated in. the 
paper in question. The subject. coding is based on ihe Universel Decimal 
Classification. The bibliography.is divided into iwo parts, which are 
available separately if desired, namely 29 photogrammetry and b) photo 
interpretation. For section b about 2000 titles have been published so 
far. The bibliography can be subscribed to per 500 titles. Card packs- 
ges appear at irregular intervals. 
Since 196% the National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics of 
the GDR at the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin (Nationalkomitee 
für Geodäsie und Geophysik der DDR bei der Deutschen Akademie der Wis- 
senschaften zu Berlin) publishes an international geodetical documen- 
tation series entitled "Bibliographia Geodaetica" for the International 
Association of Geodesy and the International Federation of Surveyors. 
The compilation is done at the Central Office for International Geode- 
tical Documentation of the Geodetical Institute, Technical University, 
Dresden (Zentralstelle für Internationale Dokumentation der Geodäsie 
am Geodätischen Institut der Technischen Universität Dresden). Abstracts 
coded according to the Universal Decimal Classification appear each 
month in & book of about 120 pages (14.7 em by 21.5 em). In principle, 
the bibliography is multi-lingual, but the section "photogrammetry". 
which also contains references to photo interpretation, appears in Ger- 
man only. In addition, a supplement volume with the bibliographical in- 
formation only is published each year. On the average, the field of 
photo interpretation is represented by 40-50 abstracts and 20-50 fur- 
ther references each year. It should be noted that there is a coopera- 
tion between Dresden and Delft in that the Geodetical Institute makes 
available its abstracts also to tne ITC. 
The "Institut für Landeskunde” a% Bad Godesberg. Federal Republic 
of Germany, offers two documentation services: 
a) "Bibliotheca Cartographica"”, published semi-annuslly in cooperation 
with the German Cartographical Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kar- 
tographie) since 1957. It is based on a world-wide network of oorres-

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