Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

pondents. Section V.B entitled "principles" (Grundlagen) contains a 
subsection on "topography, photogrammetry and photo interpretation" 
(Topographie, Photogrammetrie, Luftbildinterpretation). 10-30 entries 
concerning photo interpretation appear in each volume. 
b) "Documentatio Geographica", appearing bi-monthly since 1966 in the 
form of loose sheets (14 cm by 30 cm). It covers articles published in 
geographical periodicals and serials available in the Tibravry of the 
Institut für Landeskunde. The loose sheets serve for rapid information. 
At the end of each year, a cumulative volume with an author, subject 
and regional index is compiled. A special section on "Geographical 
photo interpretation" contains several references in each issue. Of | 
importance is the fact that titles written by typewriter are simulta- ¢ 9 
neously punched on paper tape and from here transferred to magnetic 
tape for later machine indexing and sorting. 
In the Soviet Union, a number of monthly abstract journals, called 
"Referativnvi Zhurnal", dedicated to = variety of scientific fields, 
are published by the Institute for Scientific Information ("institut 
nauchnoj informacii") of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Most re- 
ferences dealing with photo interpretation appear in the volume "Geo- 
grafija", some also in "Biologija". Most of them concern Russian lite- 
rature, but foreign papers are included as well. 50-100 entries with 
abstracts are published each year. 
For those interested in photography and remote Sensing from space 0 @ 
the following documentation is important: 
a) "International Aerospace Abstracts", published twice a month by the | 
Technical Information Service of the American Institute of Aeronautics 
and Astronautics, Inc.. Washington, D.C., under the auspices of NASA 
since 1961; 
b) "Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports", published twice a 
month by NASA. This publication lists literature of the report type 
from all over the world and contains abstracts. Selected information 
of this abstract journal is made available in Cermany since 1966 by 
the Central Office for Aeronautical Documentation and Information 
("Zentralstelle für Luftfahrtdokumentation und -information"), Munich, 
on DIN A6 cards (10.5 cm by 14.6 cm). 
The following two documentation services offered by the US Depart- 
ment of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, may also be of interest, 
although they cover all fields of science. However, a large deal of 

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