cathode-ray tube (CRT) flying-spot scanner for each
photograph, the scan generator, and the video corre-
lator—provides the basic terrain-surface sensing func-
tion and produces the required error signals. The
control computer, using these error signals, intro-
duces model-elevation corrections which in turn cause
the photograph motions necessary to reduce the
sensed errors to zero. The computer also controls the
scan generator, introducing corrections that adapt the
scanning process to local conditions of terrain slope
and image detail.
The flying-spot scanners, which generate
broadband electrical signals representing the conju-
gate image detail, provide the basic means for auto-
matically examining the photographs. In the analyti-
cal stereoplotters, the optical portions of the flying-
spot scanners are optically duplexed with the normal
viewing system. As is shown in Figure 2, the scan
pattern generated on the face of each CRT is opti-
cally transferred to the photocarriage, where it is
combined with the viewing illumination and imaged
on the photograph, with the pattern centered on the
optical axis. The transmitted CRT illumination is
separated from the viewing illumination and detected
by a photomultiplier tube (PMT). Thus, a video signal
is produced by the PMT, while the capability for
direct optical viewing is retained for manual opera-
tion and monitoring.
High Resolution
Illumination ”
Figure 2 Flying-Spot Scanner
The scanning process converts a differential dis-
placement of conjugate imagery, which may be pre-
sent in the X-direction because of an elevation error,
to a time displacement of the video signals. Thus, in
the processing of the video signals, relative time dis-
placement must be measured and converted into
signals which can be interpreted by the computer.
This operation is performed in two parallel channels
within the video correlator. The first channel 1s a
simple cross-correlator, in which the video signals are
multiplied and time-averaged. The cross-correlator
produces a signal which is proportional to the simi-
larity between its input signals. A typical cross-corre-
lation signal, plotted as a function of relative X-
direction image displacement, is shown in Figure 3.
Signal Output
Cross- Correlation
—AX t —+AX
X-Parallax Error
Figure 3 Cross-Correlation and X-Parallax Error
Signals for Relative X-Displacement of
the Scanned Areas
The cross-correlation signal provides useful in-
formation about the degree of image match. Also
required, however, are signals which indicate the
direction of any matching error. These signals are
developed in the second channel of the video corre-
lator. The video signals are first passed through quad-
rature networks, which phase-shift one signal 90
degrees with respect to the other at all frequencies.
The phase-shifted signals are then multiplied, and
their product is resolved according to the instantane-
ous scanning direction and averaged to produce x-
and y-parallax error (x and y relative image-displace-
ment error) signals. The form of the x-parallax signal
is shown in Figure 3. For zero displacement, the
product of the quadrature video signals is zero; how-
ever, as time displacement is introduced by relative
image displacement, the outputs indicate the sense
and approximate magnitude of the error. The x-
parallax error signal, which is related to stereomodel
elevation error, is further analyzed to determine the
variation of terrain elevation within the scanned area
and produce two additional signals which define the
X and Y components of the local terrain slope.
One of the key features of the cross-correlation
process that is extremely useful in the image match-
ing application is its ability to detect signals in the
presence of noise. Under typical conditions, the video
signals contain substantial noise components (noise
for this purpose is defined as any dissimilarity of the
two video signals other than simple time displace-
ment). Noise is introduced at the photographs by (1)