Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

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Fig. 8 ZEW setting mechanism Fig 9 Planimat with SG—1 storage unit 
with the model UMS-3 code converter 5, 6 or 8-channel tape punches or a card punch may be connected 
to the instrument without any rewiring. When used together with a type STR-2 tape punch, the results 
of the measurement may be recorded on 5, 6 or 8-channel punched paper tape. 
D. Profile scanning for connection of Orthoprojector 
The Planimat may be either directly coupled to the GZ-1 Orthoprojector or to the SG-1 Storage 
Unit for operation via a memory (Fig. 9 as an example). After the usual orientation procedure, the 
pedal disk of the Planimat is then disengaged by the lever Az and the z-drive connected to the right 
handwheel by means of the gear change-over lever Gz below it. 
Other accessories suitable for use in conjunction with the Planimat are: the PR Profilometer (for 
automatic scanning and tracing of profiles and cross sections), the EP Spotting Projector (for setting 
the instrument on cross-section points) and the ST-2 Printing Head (for printing point numbers on 
the large tracing table, when the instrument is operated by one man). 
6. Historical remarks 
The Planimat is the seventh instrument developed by the Zeiss Works with a mechanical projection 
system. In chronological sequence, these are: 
. Stereoautograph 
. Small Autograph 
. Panagraph 
. Stereotope 
. Terragraph 
. Supragraph 
. Planimat. 
Of these instruments, Nos. 1, 4, 5 and 6 are based on so-called plane mechanical guide rods, Nos. 2, 
3 and 7 on “spatial guide rods". Tt is a well-known fact that by comparison with the optical principle, 
the mechanical principle permits simpler exchange of focal lengths and gives constant image quality 
over the entire field. In the aforementioned instruments, the advantages of compensated magnification 
for oblique and convergent photography, which are of importance for instruments based on the 
optical principle, are of no consequence due to the limited plotting range. 

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