Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

Table | Control Computers Used for Bendix Photogrammetric Applications 
Photogrammetric Add-Time, 
Year Instrument Computer Type Memory Msec 
1961 AP-1 Two computation 160 integrators 250 
Analytical Plotter sections, serial 880 28-bit words 
access, special- 
purpose organization 
1962 AP-2, AS-11A Two computation 320 integrators, 250 
-63 Analytical Plotter sections, serial 1680 28-bit words 
access, special- 
purpose organization 
1964 AP-C One computation 2560 28-bit words 19 
Analytical Plotter section, serial 
access, general- 
purpose organization 
1967 AS-11B Automated Two computation 512 integrators 156 
Analytical Plotter sections, serial 4096 32-bit words 
access, special- 
purpose organization 
1967 Hybrid One computation 8192 16-bit words 114* 
Stereoplotter section, random 
access, general- 
purpose organization 
1968 Automatic One computation 8192 18-bit words 48* 
Comparator section, random 
access, general- 
purpose organization 
1968 AS-11B-1 Automated One computation 8192 18-bit words 1.8* 
Analytical Plotter section, random 
access, general- 
purpose organization 
situations which must be handled is very large, and 
correspondingly large files of programs and data must 
be maintained. The number of inputs and outputs 
may be high and input-output devices are frequently 
remotely located. An input or output device may 
provide or accept characters of a message at rates of 
10 to 50 characters per second but no device does 
this continuously. Thus, the demands of photogram- 
metric instruments may be much smaller in the 
amount of memory, but they are certainly much 
greater in the necessary speed of response. 
The goal of most programming, including real-time 
control programming, is efficient use of the com- 
puter. Programming for real-time control applications 
requires additional consideration of the program 
repetition rate and the maximum response time; few 
other computer programs have such stringent timing 
Program efficiency has two aspects: small memory 
usage and short computation time. The amount of 
memory needed and the computation time are some- 
what interchangeable in programming; a suitable bal- 
ance between the two must be sought for any given 
real-time requirements. High program efficiency 
permits use of an economical computer. Even in cases 
where the computer has more capabilities than abso- 
lutely needed, efficient programming still is desirable, 
both to provide more than minimal system perform- 
ance and to provide for later expansion of the pro- 
gram. Small inefficiencies often can be tolerated for 
such desirable purposes as making the program easier 
to understand or easier to modify later. 
Real-time control programs for photogrammetric 
instruments do not change continually; a particular 
program may be used for several years in several in- 
struments without significant changes. Thus, it is 
worthwhile to invest programming time to make the 
original program as efficient as possible. 
Finally, the cost of real-time programming usually 
is small as a percentage of computer cost. Thus, a 
small amount of extra effort in programming can 
result in a large saving in computer cost. 
These factors explain the emphasis on program 
optimization. As computers become faster, memory 
becomes less expensive, and computer programmers 
become more highly paid, a point is reached at which 
efficient programming loses some of its importance. 

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