Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

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The image magnification is variable in two ways. First of all a 
a range from 2,5 - 50 times magnification consisting of three 
overlapping subranges 2,5 - 10 times, 5 - 25 times and lO - 50 
times. For the regular work the zoom will be set around its 
middle position so that step switch can be used for the three 
stages of the work, namely 5 times for point selection, 10 times 
for stereosetting of the floating mark and 20 times for monocu- 
lar check of the result after pricking. The 50 times magnifica- 
tion is meant for adjustment of the floating mark and for cen- 
tering of the ring mark on a previously pricked point. 
2.3. The Platecarriers (see Fig. 3) 
The platecarriers are exchangeable on all three adapters. They 
consist of two separate parts, which can be clamped 
together and released by pressing the buttons l and 2 respec- 
tively. The photoplate is held between the two parts as a 
sandwich so that always the emulsion is at the same level in 
the instrument, independent of the thickness of the carrier 
of the emulsion, up to a thickness of O,25". 
For filmbase photograpy an extra glass support is required. 
Accurate centering of the photography in the carriers is not 
Fig. 3 
1l Release knob 
2 Fixation knob 
simultaneous zoom is provided and in addition a switch for half - 
and double magnification can be used. Both systems together cover

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