Much useful information can be extracted from a single photograph of one or more
man-made objects taken from a station located on or near the ground. In particular, it is
often possible to obtain from such a terrestrial photograph the dimensions of a building,
bridge, tower, dam, dock installation, or other engineered structure for the planning of
future engineering projects or other purposes. Too frequently, however, inaccuracies
occur due to the limitations of available methods of extracting the mensural data from
the photograph, and because of the large number of unknown factors associated with the rav
Very often, the kind of terrestrial photograph used for determining object dimen-
sions has not been taken for metric purposes in the first place. Indeed, it may only be
€ | a cropped enlargement of a negative taken with a camera of unknown focal length, thus
the data.
be determined.
The technique of using object
exterior orientation of a photograph is
this line in the past, as indicated for
Merritt [6]. However, these procedures
limited in application.
This paper treats the problem
analytically with as much generality as
The Projective Equations
expressed collectively by the matrix equation:
possessing no known interior orientation. Even if the photograph does have known interior
orientation, it is very unlikely that adequate ground control is available in the object
space, thus precluding use of any of the established methods of space resection for deter-
mination of the photograph's exterior orientation. The fact, too, that the information
is imaged only on one photograph imposes definite restrictions on the interpretation of
Under the circumstances just cited, it would seem to be an almost impossible task
to extract any meaningful mensural data from the photograph, and this is often the case.
However, there are many instances where an effective solution can be cbtained. This occurs
because most engineered structures possess certain geometrical properties, such as parallel
: lines, orthogonal lines, and equally segmented lines, which can be used to advantage. Bv
exploiting these properties, it is often possible to determine the photograph's interior
orientation and the angular portion of its exterior orientation. This, in turn, along
with a known dimension in the object space, enables other dimensions and desired data to
geometry to solve for elements of the interior and
not new. Procedures have been developed along
example in the publications of McNeil [5] and
are either graphical or semi-graphical, and are
of single photograph mensuration of man-made objects
The basic photogrammetric relationships are given by the projective equations,