Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

To provide uniform scanning over conjugate image areas, a 
Lissajous scanning pattern is used. This pattern is normally pro- 
duced by two triangular waveforms for x and y deflection 
which differ in frequency by the required frame frequency. The 
frame frequency must be substantially higher than the band- 
width of the correlation servoloop to filter out the frame fre- 
quency components. The number of scanning lines need not be 
large to detect zero- and first-order distortion. In the present 
case, a scanning pattern with 31 lines across the diagonal is 
used and the frame frequency is 560 hz. 
Some advantages can be gained by orienting the scanning 
pattern in the form of a diamond, as shown in Fig. 5. This pat- 
tern can be generated by merely rotating the deflection system 
through 45 degrees, or by maintaining alignment of the deflec- 
tion coils with the x and y axes and using a more complex scan- 
ning waveform. The diamond pattern has the advantage that the 
scanning spot always moves in either the x or the y direction, 
enabling the quality of correlation in these directions to be eval- 
uated separately. Separate monitoring of x and y correlation 
quality allows image areas of poor correlation to be covered 
with greater reliability. 
The video signals from the photomultipliers are fed 
through video amplifiers to the correlator, where they are split 
into several frequency bands to allow the low spatial frequen- 
cies to be correlated first, progressing to higher frequencies as 
the accuracy of alignment is improved. The correlation process 
consists of multiplying the two inputs in a balanced, linear, 
four-quadrant multiplier. Two outputs are produced from the 
correlator, as shown in Fig. 6. One output consists of the nor- 
mal correlation function which peaks at the point of maximum 
correlation, indicating correlation quality. The second output is 
obtained by phase shifting the signals before multiplication, re- 
sulting in the orthogonal correlation function which passes 
through zero with a change of polarity at the point of maxi- 
mum correlation. This output contains the desired information 
on the magnitude and direction of image displacements between 
the scanned images. 
The multiband correlator provides both wide range pull-in 
and high accuracy; an electronic channel selector is used to se- 
lect the optimum channel, depending on the degree of correla- 
tion between the two images. The correlator outputs are then 
analyzed to determine the magnitudes of each of the various 
distortion components. A schematic diagram of the correlator 
and analyzer is shown in Fig. 7. 
Fig. 5 — Diamond scanning pattern 

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