d of ; :
the fiel
ofe jantes b
tete produeted by
he P
safety razor,
ere lat, the ind
> c
the the object. T
this s
(this graphic plate
| rudd DEYN
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hero, t is =
the incident
esp ir
The magnitude of an object in this method depends on the angle of
d of the camera lens, and that depends on the slit-width
cutting a metal film evaporated on the glass plate with a
the thickness of the glass plate tn». In addition to
his glass plate is slidden before the face of the photo-
. lf the rays from eamera lens incident at-the points
x,, 0 ) and after they are refracted the rays are focussed
P'(x , y) as shown in Fig.15, we have the next relation
= tan ji. tan r - tan iptan n,
S m — 2 : U
tan i»- tam i,
tan 5 — Lan ra
V = VV =f = = (1 = lL |
Yo = 4Y ( tan ji, - tan is
he thickness of the glass plate. Now if we.assume that
angle and the refracted angle are small, we obtain the
tan i =. , tàn r er.
/ ]
x50 reid BBA JL Bh
u ;
0 Q0) (3,0) x
in Fig