Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

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By way of example, the fccal lenght is 105mm, F-number: 4, the angle of 
the field of the. camera lens: 25'20°, the thickness of the glass is 1 mm 
and then if the angle § used actually is 20'as shown in figure 14, 15, 
the following is obtained 
42 43% jar om 6195. 
i, R20) ; vo 7,100, 
Xie «0.024 mm, Hy = 0.56. un 
In this case, if the distance a (in Fig.15) is 1000 mm, it can be 
possible to take & photograph of the object that its width is about ) 
726 um. ‘Any way, if author has the good slit as well as the slit compos- 
ed of the knife-edge using in spectrocope, author will not discuss the 
problem above mentioned. 
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(B) Figure 17 shows the relation between the width of the slit-image 
(the image of the slit used in the light source focussed in the s 
plane I which is perpendicuiar to the camera-axis) and its position on 
the bench I (Fig.16 Xa In the figure. 17, L and P. represent the: camera 
lens and the photographic plate respectively, and Sl is the main slit, 

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