Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

Now, by the way of example, author will show the Table-1, 2 . (printed 
last) This calculation has been done by the computor: Olivetti- 
ige be 
programma lOl. and the figure 19 shows the relation between x and 6 
As is known from the Fig.l8 and the Table 1 or 2, the effective width 
of the slit at any point on the line Iris given by Xt X Qr x X, 
the : 
( x x.) is the value when the image exists in the right hand side of 
C . Because in this domain 
x, > I» K, S x, futi etum) 
) Similarly, in the left hand side of T 4 
x: X ’ Xo x = ji 
(45 = 0,005 am) 
A = X + x an a0, 
For instance, if let 4S be 0.005 gnum 
mm, the effective width of the image BUN RSS Sweet x [| 
(AS = 0.005 mu) 
at the angle 30'is given by 0.037mn. e — EE a o 
And in the case of 4S is O.100mm, Fig.19, 
B.is 0.7% 5mm. But,there is great difficulties in z - direction, 
Fig.20. Fis.21. 
t source. 

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