Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

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And the abscissa of the slit gives the X - coordinate of the aimed point 
on the contour. If the drum has done one rotation while they(slit and 
drum) are carried by 4 x,, the X - coordinate of some points projected 
through the slit and the camera lens is given by x, . Thon the Current 
in the photo-transistor gives the signal. Ry this signal, which must be 
selected, we can know the ordinate of the intersection P as shown in 
* Kenzo Toishi and Mitsuyosi Kureya: Ortho-contour Photography. 
Photogrammetric Engineering, XXIX(1963),No.1, pp. 206 - 210 
** Kenzo Toishi and Mitsuyosi Kureya: Improvements of Ortho-contour 
Photography. Journal of Japan Society of Photogrammetry, Special 
Volume No.1 (1964), pp. 29 - 34 
*** Mitsuyosi Kureya: Some points for Improvement in accuracy of Ortho- 
contuur Photography. Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry, 
No.5 (1967), pp.8 - 15. 

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