Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

23. A field version of the UNAMACE, called the Automatic Photo- 
mapper Equipment (APE) has been developed by GIMRADA under contract 
to Bunker-Ramo Corporation, and was delivered in November 1966. 
It is a ruggedized, van-mounted, mapping system capable of producing 
high quality orthophotos and contours to a desired scale and intended 
for rapid mapping operations by field topographic units. It will 
accept similar input photography to the UNAMACE up to 10" x 10" in 
24. The second type of computer controlled plotter now in 
existence, the AS11B/C Analytical Plotter, has its origin in a concept 
of "mathematical projection," the principle of which was proposed 
in 1957 by U, V. Helava, then of the National Research Council of 
Ottawa, Canada. U, V, Helava conceptualized this new photogrammetric 
instrument with theoretically no photogrammetric limits. It could 
accommodate any two photographs that could be geometrically defined. 
It could compensate for any mathematically definable systematic 
error in the collection process. The initial plotters based on 
this concept, the AP-1, AP-2, and AS11A, as developed by RADC under 
contract with Ottico Meccanica Italiana (OMI) of Rome, Italy, 
with subcontract to the Research Laboratories Division, Bendix 
Corporation of Southfield, Michigan, were successive stages in the 
development of an instrument designed as a first order type plotter 
with the flexibility to accommodate a wide variety of input 
materials. A relatively simple, highly accurate, mechanical-optical, 
viewing instrument was controlled by a stored-program digital computer. 
The computer was programmed to realize the maximum accuracy inherent 
in the input materials by providing corrections for earth curvature, 
atmospheric refraction, lens distortion, film shrinkage, and other 
systematic distortions. These instruments, the first of which 
was delivered in 1961, were automatic only to the extent that interior, 
relative and absolute orientation were accomplished by computer assist. 
25. The AS11B/C System was developed by the Bendix Corporation 
under contract with RADC. Optical and mechanical components were 
developed by OMI. The ASI1B was developed to enhance the output 
capabilities of the basic ASI1A instrument by the addition of an 
automatic image correlation system. The equipment will accomplish 
the following: 
a. Performs automatic contouring with coordinatograph 
b. Performs automatic profiling in an arbitrarily selected 
direction, with coordinatograph output, 
c. Assists operator during orientation by automatic parallax 
and elevation measurement. 
d. Records on magnetic tape terrain-surface coordinates 
during contouring and profiling. 
26. The AS11C provided an electronic orthophotoscope capability. 
It will accomplish the following: 

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