Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

for operator control of certain operating conditions during 
compilation, as well as providing a control station during 
instrument maintenance. The units contained in this console 
are essentially control electronics providing operating voltages 
and currents for scanning and printing, correlating, table 
motions and computer-system switching logic. In the base 
of the electronics console are the 400 cycle motor generator, the 
vacuum pump and plenum chamber. Various low voltage power 
supplies are also located in this cabinet. 
b. Scanning and Printing Table Electronic Cabinets - 
The table electronic cabinets provide an enclosed space for the 
CRT high voltage power supplies, low voltage table drive and 
table control power supplies and the Ferranti X-Y counters. 
(5) Bunker-Ramo 170/192 Magnetic Tape I/O System - This 
magnetic tape system is a seven track (six data, one parity) IBM 
compatible tape system. It records at two densities, 556 
characters per inch and 200 characters per inch. Transfer 
rate is 41,700 characters per second at high density and 15,000 
characters per second at low density. Reel size is 10% inches 
with an IBM compatible hut.  Read-write and backspace speed 
is 75 inches per second. Rewind speed is 225 inches per second, 
taking 128 seconds for a 2,400 foot reel. Tape type is 1% mil 
mylar, % inch in width and 2,400 feet in length. 
64.  Preparatory Operations - The operations preparatory 
to the compilation of stereomodels with the UNAMACE are critical 
to the successful economical use of this equipment. The 
single most important item is an error free input data tape. 
This places great importance on an effective checking system 
to detect errors in the data itself or those made in the 
preparation of the tape before it is given to the UNAMACE 
operator to run. It also places great importance on having 
an effective procedure to quickly review and diagnose probable 
errors in input data tapes for models that fail to run on the 
UNAMACE. Figures 13, 14 and 15 are the actual data forms filled 
out for one vertical super wide angle model. It explicitly 
shows exactly what data are required; what format or sequence 
is required; the precision of the data; and what keys are 
pressed in preparing the data tape. 
The data for entry on this form can be obtained by any 
number of methods. Automatic computation of the data as an 
integral part of an analytical triangulation block adjustment 
program is most highly recommended. At present, the date 
of writing this paper, the data are obtained from related but 
separate computer programs and considerable manual recopying 
and handling of data are required. A separate paper tape con- 
taining the three blocks of data, shown on the data forms, 
is prepared for each stereomodel. A program is being developed 
to produce a direct input to the UNAMACE by means of magnetic 
tape from the analytical triangulation block adjustment program. 
This program is expected to eliminate the human error factor 
and reduce time delays, disruption of compilation activities and 
associated costs effecting economical use of the equipment. 
The state of preparatory operations today is not commensurate 
with the speed of the UNAMACE to compile models. 

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