Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

FIGURE 4—UNAMACE Control Console 
The table and its associated scanning 
circuitry operate in a highly coordinated 
manner to obtain the desired precision 
scanning. If, in accordance with instruc- 
tions from the control, the scanning is 
centered on a desired area and the table 
is then displaced, as by a push, the scan 
will move with the table so that it remains 
centered on the intended area. This fea- 
ture permits measurements to be initiated 
while the tables are moving to newly desig- 
nated positions. 
The tables, moved under operator con- 
trol to center on diapositive imagery (using 
the stereo viewer for observation), have 
been shown to be repeatable in position to 
within 2 micrometers (the least count of 
the Moire-fringe measuring units) and to 
have an absolute accuracy, as verified 
with a precision grid, of about 4 micro- 
meters rms. There is evidence that this 
accuracy is not seriously degraded when 
the tables are moving at a rate of up to 
several inches per second. 
The UNAMACE is controlled by the 
BR-133 computer. It is programmed to 
calculate the diapositive parameters from 
data obtained in comparator measurements 
made with the UNAMACE and ground con- 
trol and to perform the detailed point-to- 
point calculations of the compilation oper- 
ation. It responds to operator commands 
from the control console or sequences the 
equipment through the automatic compila- 
tion operation, utilizing the altitude mea- 
surements made by the analog equipment 
to keep the scanning in contact with the 
surface of the terrain model. 
The computer complex includes a paper 
tape reader and punch, magnetic tape unit, 
and IBM Selectric typewriter. Program 
and data are read into the computer using 
the paper tape reader. Data tapes are 
prepared off-line from the computer using 
the typewriter and punch. The altitude 
data resulting from a compilation opera- 
tion are stored on magnetic tape. 
The typewriter is used on-line to output 
the coordinates of comparator-measured 
points or geodetic coordinates during com- 
pilation operations. 
The control console (Figure 4) includes 
all of the operating controls for the equip- 
ment. A switching panel at the upper left 
permits assignment of the four tables 
either for diapositive scanning or for the 
preparation of orthophotos or altitude 
charts; it also allows the orthophoto sig- 
nal to be obtained from either diapositive 
of a stereo pair. 
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