- 00 —»
The individual partial routine tests are similar to the corresponding labora-
tory tests. In the following, only the relevant simplifications will be discus-
Transmission errors (a)
The measuring mark is set on a well defined reference point approaching each
carriage from a distance of 8e8e 20 mms successively in opposite directions.
It is sufficient to test the transmission error for each carriage in one posi-
tion only, A graphical representation of the results is not necessary.
Run errors of micrometers (b.1)
The run error is tested for each micrometer 99g» On three run intervals only.
The same intervals should be used in successive routine tests. They should be
chosen from the run intervals to which laboratory tests were applied.
The observations should be repeated for each interval CoZe 3 times; one series
is sufficient, is t€
Errors in transmission of the micrometer values (be2)
The adjacent lines of an optical micrometer are coincided alternatively with
a fixed reference line e.g. 3 times only. The test can be restricted to three
intervals of the micrometer scale for each micrometer (og. 0,1:2,3 and 4,5;
see fig. 2).
Backlash in micrometers (b.6)
The micrometer is set repeatedly on a fixed reference, by approaching it from
opposite directions e.g. 5 times only,
Unstraightness of ways (d.2), tracking error (d.3)
The tests on unstraightness and tracking errors are based on reference points,
separated e.g. over 20 mms from each other on a Straight line as the input
structure, Sections of the line between these points are inspected visually e =
during trackinge
Linear scale errors (cel) and non-perpendicularity (de4)
For the tests on the linear scale errors and on the non-perpendicularity of
the coordinate directions, groups of four points each, located in the corners
of the measuring field (fige 6), are convenient, The same input structure may
in some comparator types facilitate also an efficient detection of the curva-
tures of guidances.