TAsLeE 2 — Summary of the ratios V; and V; of some r.m.s. errors
Test 5 4a, 5,6, 7 4b 8a
y as be bs ba c2 da
Ard [uuu did
Qn 1,04 | 1,01 | 1,00 | 1,58 | 1,60 | 0,41
Vi of r.m.s. errors my in “x in the image”
1 measuring error 1,05 | 1.17 | 1,11 | 0,86 | 0,81 | 0,45
2 fitting error 0,84 | 0,84 | 1,09 | 0,65 | 0,80 | 0,70
3 absolute error 0,96 | 1,24 | 1,29 | 0,79 | 0,67 | 0,66
4 relative error 1,03 | 1,07 | 1,10 | 0,64 | 0,65 | 1,22
4* relative error 1,001 1.05 1 1,28 | 0,7 - —
5 | 0,91 1,19 1,23 | 0,75 | 0,59 | 0,72
5” ; distance error 0,90 | 1,04 | 1,17 | 0,73 | 0,72 | 0,68
5” | 1,06 | 0,92 0,89 | 0,65 | 0,83 | 0,73
8 systematic error 0,94 | 1,11 1,35 | 0,74 |.0,73 | 0,72
8* systematic error 0,92 | 1.28 | 1,49 | 0,74 — —
overall average 0,96 | 1,09 | 1,20 | 0,73 | 0,72 | 0,67
V, of r.m.s. errors mz in “u in the image“
1 measuring error 1,04 | 0,91 | 1,05 | 0,68 | 0,74 -
2 fitting error 0,74 | 1,55 | 1.16 | 0,44 — 0,95
5 absolute error 0,01 | 1,94 | 0,95 | 0,59 — 0,81
4 relative error 1,05 | 0,83 | 1,06 | 0,47 | 0,68 | 0,83
4* relative error 0,96 | 1,15 | 0,99 | 0,64 — e
8 systematic error 0,88 | 1,29 | 1,01 | 0,65 | — 0,73
8* systematic error 0,86 | 1,59 | 1,05 | 0,68 o c
overall average 0,92 1,19 1,04 | 0,59 | 0,71 0,87
aı = Scale 1 : 8000 bs = RC 7a 10/14
ag = Scale 1 : 12 000 c, = RMK 15/23 — Scale 1 : 8000
bi = RMK 21/18 co = RC 7a 10/14 — Scale 1 : 12 000
ba = RMK 15/23 di = Analogue instruments
bs = 2 X RMK 21/18 ds = Stereocomparators
4* and 8* after section 6
5' short stretches (end points in the same model)
5" long distances
5" short stretches (end points in different models)
cameras are put together, then the r.m.s. errors my in “microns in the image" of the pictures on
film and those of the pictures on plates are in the proportion of 1.00 : 0.65. For the height errors, the
ratio is 1.00:0.60. The accuracy difference corresponds approximately to the quotient Qn, — 1.6
of the enlargement ratios n5, which means that the differences will tend to disappear when the
r.m.s. errors in ^microns in the model“ are compared instead.
- Problem 4b
By comparing the r.m.s. error my in *microns in the image“ of the pictures from the film camera
RMK 15/23 at a scale of 1:8000 with those from the plate camera RC 7a 10/14 at a scale of
{ : 12000. a ratio of 1.00 : 0.70 is obtained. This accuracy difference is also caused solely by the
picture scale difference and disappears as soon as the errors are converted into "cm in nature".
The same holds at least for the r.m.s. relative error m;.