Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

Reprint of Norsk tidsskrift for jordskifte og landmäling, nr. 1/1968 
Technical and practical procedures in economic 
mapping on 1:5000 in Norway 
(Land Registry Map). 
Arne T. Brodahl. 
Oslo, Norway. 
XIth International Congress for Photogrammetry, 
Lausanne 1968. 
Paper presented to Commission IV. 
The ever-progressing development of the natural resources 
of our country has entailed increasingly complex and exten- 
sive planning. This is the principal reason why the Norwegian 
Storting on May 26th 1964 passed a resolution concerning 
«Directives for Work on an Economic Map». These directives 
come into force on January 1, 1965, and formed the basis for 
a nation-wide mapping survey, which is a necessary basic in- 
vestment for a modern state. 
By an «economic Map», we mean an economic outline 
map of all parts of the country, scale 1 : 5 000 (certain minor 
areas 1: 10 000) which covers such areas of the country as are 
of economic interest. Originally, the Map Council envisaged 
maps covering about 135 000 Sq.km (about 14 of the total 
area of the country), but according to information subse- 
quently received from the provinces the maps will have to 
cover about 150 000 Sq.km. The Map Council expected to 
be able to complete the mapping in 15 years. The Storting 
made no decision in the respect, but the National Budgets 
for 1965, 1966 and 1967 provided for an annual mapped area 
of about 8 000 Sq.km. Actually, this is quite an ambitious 
tempo taking into consideration the difficult conditions con- 
nected with the mapping of a country with terrain like Nor- 

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