200 +4:
100 1 E
A —— - — — — — — — — —— —
-—— | A
500 1000 1500
Picture No 3. Standard error, Sq, in spot heights at different flying altitudes,
H, using panchromatic film on estar base.
A. Systematic indirect influence from the relative and absolute orientation.
B. Indirect and direct influence from the image co-ordinates.
C. Total standard error of rocks.
D. Total standard error for open fields.
E. Total standard error for terrain with forests.
In Picture No. 3 the influence of flying altitude and type of terrain
is demonstrated.
The purpose of the investigation of the Huddinge test area was to
discover by practical tests whether any essential difference existed bet-
ween the results of plotting done from a flying altitade of 450 and 600
metres, with both panchromatic and colour film.