Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

Fig. 2. | 
This staff is expected to be able to register 8 000 to 10 000 
Sq.km per annum. Soil classification which will form the basis 
for the establishment of a land register, is highly detailed and 
takes into account the quality of the soil, the degree of 
cultivation and suitability for mechanised farming. The work 
is based partly on registry by direct inspection and partly on 
photo interpretation alone. 
The soil classification data is supplied to the plotting firms 
on Cronaflex diapositives, which can be inserted directly into 
the plotting instrument. 
When the plotting firms have received: o 
1. Data for existing trig. points from NGO. 
2. The registered prints from the Land Reallotment 
Servise, and 
3. The registered diapositives from the Department for 
Agricultural Development. 
The actual cartographic construction of the economic map 
can be commenced. ‘ | 
Selection of Pass Points. 
As previously mentioned, N.G.O. provides one trig point 
per 5 Sq.km.

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