In the case the hydrografic features are included in foil 1
(constructed. features and names), except for the marsh sym-
bols which are included on foil 4 (soil classification).
For scribing, all cartographers are equipped with back
lighted boards.
The principal scribing tool is the sapphire needle.
These needle are cut and polished to various line thick-
nesses and are mounted in special holders which we call
gravers. Fig. 1.
The gravers are either rigid or swivel, and the type used
depends upon the detail to be scribed.
The double sapphires which are used for scribing roads
must always be mounted in swivel graver.
The scribing begins with the marking of names and figures
on the scribing film. For this work we use a «Rotograph».
This is an electrically powered apparatus with a rotating steel
needle. A pilot pin moves in special letter templates and this
movement is transmitted to the rotating steel needle, and
names and figures are thus scribed. Fig. 2.
Templates can be changed to give various type faces. By
a simple adjustment the type can be made vertical, italic or
reverse italic, and an adjusting screw is provided to set the
depth of cut so as not to pierce the base of the film.
Among other methods of adding names to maps is photo
setting. Certain plotting firms are at present using this method.
After the names and figures have been scribed on the foil,
the actual map detail is added. The scribe buildings, templates
with milled squares and rectangles are used. Obviously, these
do not exactly fit the building to be engraved, but this is of
no consequence because the sides are scribed two by two.
Special templates have been made for certain map symbols.
When scribing with templates a sapphire in a rigid graver
is always used.
Roads are classified in four categories:
1. State roads and European roads
2. Province roads
3. Municipal roads
4. Private motor roads.
Roads in first three categories are classified by the Pro-
vince Road Works.