Mario Fondelli
Among the problems still to be solved, in the field of aerial photogram-
metric plotting, one of the most important is, without any doubt, the
problem of the intrinsic accuracy to be requested to control points in
connection with the different conditions of aerial photography and of
plotting scale.
The problem is, of course, very interesting from the technical and scien-
tific point of view as well as from the economical point of view. In fact
possible errors in the establishment of control points modify the absolute
orientation of the plotted models and may alter their shape. From the
other side, by using control points established in the field with less
accuracy, it may be possible to get some reductions in the work cost
with sensible financial advantages.
À pilot research on the influence of the control point errors on aerial
photogrammetric plotting was started by Mr. Gian Piero Le Divelec a
short time before his death. The partial results of this research have
been the subject of a short paper presented to Commission IV of the
International Society of Photogrammetry at the Symposium held at
Prague in 1966 [1].
Due to the interest of the said research, we deemed it convenient to
consider again the data collected at that moment to carry out a more
complete study through the means offered by the mathematical statistical
As it is known, the research undertaken by Mr. Le Divelec had the
main purpose of setting the methodology of statistical researches in this
field. In fact the precedent experiences had shown what could be the
probable errors in the photogrammetric plotting when the absolute orien-
tation was based on control points established in the field with a high
accuracy [2].
To carry out his tests, Mr. Le Divelec had choosen the same model at
the scale of 1:8000, used by Mr. Sven G. Môller for the preparation of