Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

whose photogrammetric coordinates were determined. 
One of the points (130) could not be identified. One point (109) had a gross 
phötogrammetric or geodetic error. Point 462 was given the number 152 on photo- 
graph 1821 causing the exclusion of this point from the computation. Finally 
four points (132, 136, 422, 431) were disregarded in the comparison because 
their differences in height were more than three times the standard error for 
heights. The population in this case was so small that the z-coordinates of the 
points can be considered as gross errors. Because the total number of the points 
(7) that were removed is only about 5 % of all points the experiment can be con- 
sidered successful. 
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