Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

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Figure 4 shows the situation for each point in case I (1:3500). The differences 
in coordinates between points determined by geodetic measurements and photogram- 
metric method are shown by means of vectors. If they are compared to figures 2 
and 3 which give the distribution of theoretical standard errors of coordinates 
Some inconsistents can be seen. These discrepances can be caused by either geo- 
detic or photogrammetric measurements, but they are not discussed here any furs 
The PECNY experiment was planned for analogue instruments and the preparations 
were made with this in mind.The control points and the information on the inte- 
rior orientation of camera including the realitive positions of fiducial marks 
for analytical methods ought to have a better quality than in analogue photogram- 
metry. The analytical solution that was introduced above was presented mainly 
to point out that good results can be expected with analytical methods for in- 
stance in case where there are large affine deformations in the film base. 
These deformations can not usually be corrected in analogue instruments. On the 
other hand such a small area as two models is not a particularly suitable appli- 
cation for analytical block adjustment. This work could have been carried out 
analytically by determining most of the new points by intersection in space 
without using all the points in adjustment. The advantages of block adjustment 
can be better used in aerial triangulation of large areas. 
We hope that this demonstration of the accuracy possible with analytical methads 
will help other participants in the analysis of their own results. 
||| Halonen, R.S., Savolainen, Aino: On the deformation of polyester film. 
Institute of Photogrammetry, Technical University of Helsinki, 1968 
|2| Hirvonen, R.A.: General formulas for the analytical treatment of the 
problems of photogrammetry. Maanmittaus 3-4/1964 
|3| Hirvonen, R.A.: The use of Gauss-Kriiger Coordinates in the Analytical 
Photogrammetry. Maanmittaus 1-2/1966 

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