Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

The colony of Liberia was founded in 1822 by freed slaves from 
the United States, under the auspices of the American Colonization 
Society. During those early years, the settlers were governed by 
agents of the Colonization Society, but in 1847 the independent 
Republic of Liberia was established. It was recognized first by 
various European powers, and in 1862 by the United States. Líving 
within an area almost 3 times as large as Switzerland is the Liberian 
population of 1,070,000 (compared to a Swiss population of about 
The people of Liberia are divided into 2 main groups - the 
Americo-Liberians, mostly descendants of the Afro-American ex-slaves 
who first colonized the country (about 5% of the population); and 
the indigenous Liberians, belonging to the numerous tribes, among 
which are the Kru, prominent as seamen on freighters plying the 
West African coast, and the Mande, who are traders. Despite some 
inter-marriage with the tribal population, and the assimilation of 
Individual tribesmen, the Americo-Liberians have remained culturally 
The constitution vests executive power in the president - 
William Vacanarat Shadrach Tubman, who, in January 1968 began his 
26th consecutive year in office - assisted by the více president, 
William R. Tolbert, and cabinet. Legislative power is vested in an 
18-member Senate and a 47-member House of Representatives. 

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