Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

Specifications prepared by Army Map Service in January 1967 
(and later revised in March 1967) called for the collection of 
11,566 linear nautical miles of photography over three areas 
into which the country had been divided: 
Area No. l - Visual Mapping Photography (26,805 sq. mi.) é é 
This area was to be photographed using an 88 mm (super wide 
angle lens) 9 x 9 camera equipped with a #12 filter and loaded 
with panchromatic stable base film. The flight altitude was to be 
20,000 feet above mean terrain (which is 1,500 feet above sea level 
in Liberia). Flight lines were to be maintained parallel in a 
North-South direction, with an average side lap of 25%. The 
required flight lines (#100-~160) cover 6,756 linear miles 
(See Figure 2). 
Area No. 1 - HIRAN Controlled Special Flights (7,685 sq. mi.) 
Twenty-three flight lines covering 1970 linear miles were to e t 
be flown at an altitude of 20,000 feet (above mean terrain), using 
a 6" 9 x 9 camera equipped with a 125 filter, and loaded with infra- 
red stable base film (See Figure 2). 
Area No. 2 - HIRAN Controlled Mapping Photography (HCP) (9,875 sq. mi.) 
Complete HCP was to be obtained, using a 6" 9 x 9 camera equípped 
with a #25 filter and loaded with IR Stable base film. The flight 
altitude was to be 20,000 feet (above mean terrain). Flight lines 
were to be maintained parallel to the mean azimuth of the coastline, 
or roughly N-W to S-E, with an average side-lap of 257. The required 
flight lines (#201-222) cover 2,541 linear miles (See Figure 3). 

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