Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

The right of possession to landed property in 
Property boundaries, the marking of the corner 
points and the require for mapping .......... 
Alternative methods for mapping of boundary points .. 
Sienalizing — or not” ............................. 
Plan for the investigations ......................... 
Steps: of the fieldwork .............. ree 
Terrestrial passpoints 
Signalizing of boundary points .................. 
Identifying and marking the points in the photo- 
Accuracy of coordinates of the control points ........ 
Steps of the photogrammetric work and sources of 
Pricking of points in the photographs ............ 10 
Absolute orientation of the models .............. 10 
Stereoscopic measurement of the points .......... 10 
Collocation of the results «ie... niin Suny. oii 11 
Groups and classes of errors ..................…. 11 
The main results and comments about the accuracy 11 
Correlation |........-. ae Aa eee Erie aes 13 
Other results 5. eoe eR eT eT 13 
Tinme:consumption /....... o: i ee eir Rien eau. 14 
The work of the field operators ..........…-.-..... 14 
The work by the stereo-instrument and transfer of 
Hi MS x C M M E 14 
Sammendrag a ete 14 
Summary ^... u a ERR A NL 15 
Zusammenfassung oon. Da Daan is abe, 15 

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