Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

Carmen DiCarlo 
Defense Intelligence Agency 
Pentagon (DIAMC-5) 
Washington, D. C. 20301 
Mr. DiCarlo's professional government career began at Wright- 
Patterson Air Force Base, where he was an enthusiastic pioneer in 
generating the development of photo flight line guidance systems, 
mapping cameras and camera mounts, photo and navigation viewfinders, 
velocity/height scanners, distance measuring equipment and index of 
refraction components. Before leaving Wright-Patterson for DIA he 
served as Chief Engineer on the AN/USQ-28 Mapping and Geodetic 
System for the RC-135A and Chief of the Tactical and Geodetic Branch. 
Papers presented by Mr. DiCarlo were; "The Air Force RC-130 Aerial 
Mapping System' given to the Society of Photographic Scientists and 
Engineers on 6 October 1958; "Mapping and Survey System, Geodetic 
AN/USQ-28" presented to the 10th Congress of the International 
Congress on Photogrammetry, at the meeting held in Lisbon, Portugal, 
7-19 September 1964 and '"Tactical Mapping" given at the Aeronautical 
Reconnaissance Program Review at WPAFB, Ohio on 4-5 April 1967. He 
was graduated from West Virginia University with a B.S. degree in 
Mechanícal Engíneering. 

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