Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

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In the course of the last four years the development of Photogrammetry 
is again of marked importance both in the domain of applications and of 
1) Private Sector: 
Three mapping organizations apply photogrammetry in their work: 
The Société Française de Stereotopographie (S.F.S.) which specializes in 
mapping at large scales by terrestrial photogrammetry (6 plotting ma 
The Société generale de Phototopographie which has established a branch 
in Moroco (2 plotting machines). 
The Compagnie aerienne de Photographie (C.A.P.) whose field of activity 
covers all of North Africa. It uses “Gallus-Ferber” plotting machines which 
have been modified during the last few years from double projection to 
stereoscopic use (4 plotting machines). 
2) Official Sector: 
a) Cadaster — The Service du Cadastre continues to use ordinary rectifi 
cation for flat terrain and plotting by rectified sectors of the photograph 
in terrain with some relief. In terrain of much relief with limited fields of view 
(parcels surrounded with hedges) it utilizes aerial photogrammetry successfully. 
It is progressively equipping itself with Poivilliers — SOM Type B Stereotopo- 
graphes (plotting machines). 
b) Ministère de la Reconstruction et de l’Urbanisme (M.R.U.), Its efforts 
are specialized on equipment and topographie plans of urban localities. The 
precision required is not high and photographic or mechano-graphic methods 
only are used. The data for plotting are furnished by a gyroscopic device in 
vented by M. Dubuisson. 
c) Institut Géographique National (I.G.N.). This organization has charge 
of mapping France, North Africa and the territories of the French Union; a 
program of about 12 million square kilometers, in the most diverse latitudes, 
longitudes and climates. Aerial photogrammetry only is employed for the exe 
cution of this mapping. 
The I.G.N. has a group of specialized aviation squadrons placed under the 
orders of the chief of the photogrammetric service. This group whose home 
base is at Creil is composed of four squadrons, three of four bimotor planes, 
and one of 5 four-motor planes; a total of 17 photographic airplanes serviced 
by 60 flying men and 60 non-flying. The photographic equipment used is com 
posed of automatic plate Poivilliers SOM cameras of 125 and 150 mm focal 
length and formats of 13X18 and 19X19 centimetres (10 cameras 13X18 with 
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