entlieh verbesserter, die
imetrischen Katstermes-
Zu diesem Kongress ist
, der Planigraph C-8 er-
lerigen Form entwickelt
ialtriangulation und für
ung, der Stereotop. Die
in, werden in der Aus
praktischen photogram-
:h sorgfältiger Vorberei-
druck geben, dass es auf
;ebnis dieser Arbeiten zu
R. L. Brown.
1. Surveying in Great Britain.
Photogrammetric surveying in Great Britain has been confined almost
entirely to large-scale mapping. The Ordnance Survey has used photogrammetric
methods for the National Plans at scales of 1/1250 and 1/2500. Messrs Hunting
Aerosurveys Ltd have done a considerable amount of work at scales around
1/400 and 1/500 for British Railways and Municipal Authorities. The Air Sur
vey Co. Ltd has done work at scales between 1/500 and 1/2500 in connection
with trunk road location and town planning, including a complete survey for
one of the „New Towns” now being constructed in Great Britain to encourage
removal of excess population from the overgrown industrial centres. Messrs.
Hunting Ltd have demonstrated the value of photogrammetry in the construc
tion of profiles for the location of overhead power lines.
The methods used by Messrs, blunting Aerosurveys Ltd. for large scale
surveys are of considerable interest and they have been described in detail
elsewhere. a )
The Ordnance Survey has put into production the method of analytical
aerial triangulation, the development of which was begun before 1939 and held
up by the war.
2. Surveys Overseas.
The Directorate of Colonial Surveys, with its headquarters in London, has
continued with medium and small scale topographical surveys of the Colonial
Empire. The Air Survey Co. Ltd. is now in its fourth year of work for the
Government of Southern Rhodesia and has had very successful photographic
missions in the Carribean area for the Colonial Survey Directorate. Consider
able work has been done for the Indian and Pakistan governments, including a
complete survey of the boundary between the two countries carried out for
the India/Pakistan Boundary Commision. Messrs. Hunting Aerosurveys Ltd.
have undertaken large mapping projects in Siam, Irak and the Persian Gulf
area; and also in such widely scattered places as Fiji, Kenya and Tanganyika,
Greece and in several Near East countries.
3. Research and Development.
The Ordnance Survey.
The successful application of analytical aerial triangulation in practice, as
mentioned in paragraph 1, is the result of considerable research. While much
has been written on the mathematics of analytical methods, in the U.S.A. and
elsewhere, it is believed that only in Great Britain has the method been fully
developed on the observational and computational side and put into practice
on a production scale. An important feature of the method is the use of the
B H. G. Dawe, Photogrammetric Engineering March 1950.