increasing the angular precision of the bundles of rays as they are registered
with the photographic cameras and reconstructed with the plotting instru
ments. I believe this fact lies at the root of progress. For the increase of angular
precision our industry continues producing new objectives for taking photo
graphs, and new stereoscopic plotters. The practitians, in their choice for
photographic material and working methods are making for the same goal and
our theorists and scientists are trying, by developing the error theory, to
render residual errors as harmless as possible. In these endeavours our men
occupy themsefves also with aero-triangulation and aero-traversing because
these working methods with their considerable propagation of error are excel
lent touch stones for checking the obtained progress.
Although on the whole, work in our country is directed towards the im
provement of precision and quality, we believe that through this we can also
render good services to large countries whose tasks lie more in extensive photo-
grammetry. It is evident that better instruments are not only profitable for
the increase of precision but also for improving the economic aspect of the
We thus hope to bring, at this Congress, and through the exhibition, a
small contribution towards the development of Photogrammetry. Our contri
bution will be small as compared with what we shall see and hear in this large
country and what we shall be privileged to learn at this congress. This pre
sent Congress and the exhibition will give a new impulse to the improvement
and application of photogrammetry. We wish our American friends, with Mr.
Reading at their head, and his collaborators in the Congress management, that
they will witness a pervading and big influence of their manifestation. We
thank them for their arduous work in preparing this Congress and for their
hospitality extended to us and our industry.
H. Harry.
Monsieur le Président,
Mesdames, Messieurs,
J’ai le plaisir de vous apporter les salutations et les voeux de la Suisse, de
mon gouvernement et de notre société nationale de photogrammétrie.
Bien que mon pays soit l’un des plus petits, et je pardonnerais bien volon
tiers à tout écolier américain s’il n’arrivait pas à le situer sur la carte du monde,
la photogrammétrie a chez nous également une grande importance.
Comme je le suppose, les tâches techniques d’un grand pays comme par
exemple les Etats-Unis doivent différer sur bien des pionts de celles d’un pays
comme le mien. Les moyens, les instruments et les méthodes de travail ne sont
certainement par les mêmes, et il doit parfois arriver qu’entre gens du métier
les opinions sur certaines questions de principe soient divergentes. Aussi, lors
des discussions que nous aurons durant le présent congrès, faudra-t-il avoir
toujours en mémoire ces différences dans nos propres tâches. De cette façon,