Phya Salwidhan Nidhes.
It is a great honor for me to be given an opportunity to report to you on
the activities of work on photogrammetry in Thailand. My country has long
been interested in photogrammetry, but no practical work was undertaken
until the formation of the Aerial Mapping Organization of Thailand. This was
organized in 1950.
This organization has as its objective to produce maps for the require
ments of various government agencies. It has charge of all mapping by means
of aerial photography for industrial and economic development of the country
as required by the various civil agencies as well as for defense departments.
Commencing late in 1950, a contract was given to Hunting Aerosurveys
Ltd. of England to fly and photograph an area of about 20.000 square kilo
meters for turning out topographical maps on the scale of 1/50.000 and for
railway location surveys of a new railway line on the scale of 1/5.000. We start
ed this way because we started from scratch, having practically no equipment
nor staff.
In addition to the above-mentioned work, we have also undertaken to
produce maps for education purposes, for electrification purposes, and for irri
gation purposes. An area of approximately 2.000 square kilometers was photo
graphed for forest inventory purposes and an area of about 6.200 square kilo
meters for hydroelectric power supply and construction of a reservoir. All of
this is being done while we are procuring equipment from America, some from
England, and some from Switzerland. This is coming in, but is not yet being
put up. But we hope that within the very near future we shall be able to un
dertake some of the plotting within our country, and eventually the aerial
photography is to be undertaken by our own staff. But we are starting from
scratch, and what we have accomplished so far has been without a lot of ex
perience which we shall have to obtain. The country is not quite the same as
what one usually finds in this country. Some parts of the country itself are
very difficult, quite forest covered. And there is a lot to be learned even by
the firms that have been given the contract for one of the projects already
I beg to thank you for this opportunity to report to you on the activities
in photogrammetry undertaken for my country.
Phya Salwidhan Nidhes.
Ce m’est un grand honneur qu’avoir l’occasion de vous faire un rapport
sur les activités photogrammétriques en Thaïlande. Mon pays s’est intéressé