E. S. Massie, Jr., Secretary-General.
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: In making arrangements for this the
Seventh International Congress and Exposition of Photogrammetry, your com
mittee on arrangements has been extremely fortunate in obtaining the assis
tance of one of the members of the American Society of Photogrammetry who
has had much experience with the planning of the annual meetings of that
Society. He will tell you of the various facilities, tours, exhibits, and other
plans which have been made to make your attendance at this meeting enjoy
able and beneficial. I shall, therefore not dwell on these aspects of the meeting
but devote my few remarks to the recording of the sessions.
It is hoped that the program which has been arranged will be found to be
both interesting and instructive. Toward this end and to overcome, to the
extent possible, the difficulties of multi-lingual proceedings we have had
installed a modified speaker system. It is regretted, that there are certain limi
tations which would have been overcome except that all planning has been
done with the idea of making the meeting self-sustaining. The majority of
those attending the meeting speak only English. We have installed, therefore, a
public address system for their benefit. For those who desire to hear the pre
pared papers and discussions in French, German or Spanish, ear phones have
been installed for their convenience in the section here in the front of the audi
torium. These sets have been wired for only one language and it will be neces
sary, therefore to sit in the section marked for the particular languarge indi
It is extremely important that material covering the procedures of this
Congress be recorded and made available for inclusion in the Archives. Arrange
ments have been made to have proceedings of this and the other plenary
session recorded. Each commission was requested to furnish 2000 copies of its
report in printed form. The majority of these were for distribution to regis
trants. A portion of the supply of each report is being retained for incorpora
tion into the Archives. Each speaker at plenary and technical sessions, if he has
not already done so, is requested to make available a copy of his paper to faci
litate the secretary of the commission and the Secretary-General in the work of
publishing the Archives.
Each commission is further requested to furnish to the Secretary-General
promptly after the conclusion of the Congress, a record of its proceedings here.
To assist the Secretary of each Commission there will be handed to each dis
cussant a card on which it is requested that he record his question, answer or
remark. Please be sure to show the date, time, the Commission number and
your name to facilitate the subsequent work of the Commission Secretary. If
an individual poses more than one question, provides more than one answer,
and makes more than one remark or any combination thereof, he will be pro
vided with additional cards and is requested to record each expression separa
tely. When completed, give the card of cards to the committee workers in the
aisles or to the Secretary of the Commission. It is only through the coopera-