Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

that should have been published in advance and that the time could be much 
more profitably spent in discussion. 
The sense of the delegate meeting was that the new Council and officers 
should draw up rather rigid regulations to achieve this end, as they deem best. 
The actions of the delegates were adopted with the recommendation that 
information concerning speakers be published before the Congress to save the 
time used for introduction of speakers. 
The “Brock” award, accepted at the delegate meeting, was approved by 
unanimous consent. 
The election of individuals to honorary membership in the International 
Society was announced. There follows the nomination remarks of these indi 
Dr. Poivilliers: I am sure I shall express the feeling of all photogramme- 
trists in expressing to Mr. Santoni all of our congratulations for his having 
been declared an Honorary Member of our International Society of Photo- 
grammetry. You are so well known, Mr. Santoni, that it would be absolutely 
useless for me to state now all of your merits and all of your worth, which 
have met with so much success. 
I just want to say how very glad and sincerely happy I am to see you being 
granted this Honorary Member award. Our lives have been more or less paral 
lel. I didn’t quite serve as you did in the first World War. I was with the Artil 
lery. You were not. We both kept on working on the same or similar problems. 
We have also the slight difference that you always speak of air triangu 
lation, always I insist of speaking on bridging; but I think that even if we have 
these differences and we use different methods and metaphors, I always speak 
of perspective rays, you always speak of solar periscope — we are, however, 
devoting all of our effort and all of our time to the success of the same science. 
So you have followed all of your life the same course with success, and 
this success is why it is so natural that you should be granted this award now 
and we are all so happy to see it. 
In the field of plotting instruments, for example, you always kept up the 
direct examination of photographs, together with a spatial materilization and 
the mechanical correction of lens distortion. 
In the field of restitution, you have also used some methods which are 
followed now, not only by myself, but by a great number of photogramme- 
trists. The decision which has just been taken to nominate you Honorary 
Member of the International Society of Photogrammetry is certainly a reward 
of a whole life concentrated to efforts, with great success, to the science of 
photogrammetry and we wish to congratulate you, very sincerely, all of us. 
Dr. Santoni: I feel extremely flattered by this manifestation of your 
sympathy and your gratefulness for the long work which I have devoted to 
I wish to thank Mr. Poivilliers particularly for having presented in such 
very kind manner the honor being attributed to me now by the Society. I hope 
to be able to go on working and devoting all of my efforts, together with all 
other photogrammetrists, in order to insure always greater success in our work, 
and together with this wish, I would like to thank the President in particular 
to have enabled us to have this wonderful manifestation here. 
Mr. Harry: I have the honor to recommend on behalf of the Presidents

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