Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

Mr. Maurice S. A. Delaney, Chairman 
Miss Marian L. Clark, Vice-Chairman 
Mr. J. H. Jenkins Mr. G. C. Tewinkel Mr. Stephen Johnson 
Mrs. David P. Beatty, Chairman 
Mr. Brooks Harding, Chairman 
United National Honor Flag Committee 
Mr. W. E. Duff Mrs. James Grigsby Mr. W. M. Leech 
Miss Lili Franklin Mr. Charles Grossman Mr. E. R. Mills 
Scientific Technical Tours 
Mr. J. O. Kilmartin Mr. Benjamin B. Lane 
Entertainment, Pleasure Tours and Transportation 
Mr. M. Kerwin Linck Mr. Elwood J. Thatcher Mr. David P. Beatty 
Mr. J. Marvin Cultice, Chairman 
Public address Control Committee 
Mr. Louis J. Reed, Chairman 
Mr. Rudy Aukschun 
Mr. Michael Carrasco 
Mr. Charles Culkin 
Mr. Orvis N. Dalby 
Mr. Charles H. Davies 
Mr. Philip Frank 
Mr. Frank V. Garcia 
Mr. Anthony Piorola 
Mr. Karl Schmuhl 
Mr. Josef J. Streifer 
Mr. Gordon B. Willey 
Mr. Roderick, G. Van Pelt, Chairman 
Mr. Clark Hilles 
Eastman Kodak Company Personnel 
Mrs. John T. Smith Mr. Alvin Y. Gardner 
Special Assistants Committee 
Mr. George R. Bowersox Mrs. Mildred Chamness Mr. H, C. Collins 
Miss Alice Carlson Mrs. Rosemary Clarkson Mr. J. I. Heare 
Aides for Technical Sessions 
Mrs. Patricia Englebrecht Mr. Philip Frank 
Mr. B. Thomas Hopkins Miss Virginia Weir 
Mrs. Talbert Abrams 
Mrs. W. C. Cude 
Mrs. John I. Davidson 
Mrs. L. A. Dickerson 
Ladies Activities committee 
Mrs. O. S. Reading, Chairman 
Mrs. C. E. Kowalczyk 
Mrs. E. S. Massie, Jr. 
Mrs. G. T. McNeil 
Mrs. Guillermo Medina 
Mrs. R. H. Randall 
Mrs. Marshall Wright 
Mrs. L. J. Reed 
Mrs. L. Ray Smart 
Mrs. G. D. Whithmore 
Miss Sylvi 
Miss Louis 
Great Brit 

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