Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

This report was prepared by P.D. Carman, Canada, Secretary of Commission 
I, on the basis of information supplied by the National Reporters and in con 
sultation with L. E. Howlett, Canada, Chairman of Commission I with respect 
to editorial policy. The National Reporters of Commission I are as follows: 
B. P. Lambert*, Australia; Professor Dr. Franz Ackerl, Austria; Major Van der 
Heyden, Belgium; Dr. E. A. Miskin*, England; Dr. A. Rainesalo, Finland; 
J. Cruset, France; Professor Dr. K. Schwidefsky, Germany; Shri D. D. Gupta*, 
India; Dr. Ing. Paola Giordano, Italy; F. L. Corten, Netherlands; R. G. Dick*, 
New Zealand; Colonel C. A. K. Wilson*, Pakistan; Erik Welander, Sweden; 
M. Brenneisenf, Switzerland; H. W. Preston, United States of America. 
This report lists the types and quantities of photogrammetric photography 
carried out in the reporting countries, and describes the equipment, material, 
and methods used. Mention is also made of related research work. 
All relevant information submitted by the National Reporters has been 
included. For brevity only useful basic data have been extracted from in 
struction manuals, contract specifications, etc., which were furnished. Many 
references have been made to developments that have been described in scientific 
publications, but little or no space is given to summarizing these papers. 
At the time of going to press no report has been received from Belgium. 
A number of other factors have somewhat reduced the completeness and 
perhaps the accuracy of the report. Translation difficulties besetting both the 
reporters and the authors could only be partially clarified due to lack of time, 
it became apparent that common words used with specialized meanings should 
be defined since dictionaries were inadequate for them. Also troublesome were 
the descriptions of procedures by the name of the originator instead of by the 
principles involved, the description of procedures by such terms as “normal” 
or “usual”, and the use of little known units of measurement. 
The authors wish to thank the National Reporters and those who assisted 
them for their work in the collection of the information contained in this report. 
Countries included in this report have photographed areas totalling 7,030,000 
square miles (18,200,000 km 2 ) from 1948 to 1951. An increasingly large pro 
portion of survey photography is being done with wide angle cameras having 
total coverages of about 95°. 
*These reporters represented countries without a national society of photogrammetry, or in which the national 
society was not a member of the International Society of Photogrammetry. 
fAfter M. Brenneisen’s death, the work was completed by Dr. D. Chervet. 

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