Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

Present Status Of Photo Interpretation — Dr. H. T. U. Smith — U.S.A. 
Highway And Railroad Engineering — Mr. W. H. Simonson — U.S.A. 
Airfield Engineering — Mr. Max Elias, — U.S.A. 
Forestry Engineering — Prof. S. H. Spurr — U.S.A. 
Petroleum, Geology And Engineering — Mr. R. L. Anderson — U.S.A. 
Mining And Engineering Geology — Mr. H. L. Cameron — Canada. 
Dip Calculation On Air Photos — Mr. D. H. Elliott — U.S.A. 
The O.D.S., A New Interpretation Stereoscope — Prof. R. Roelofs — Nether 
Second Session, Tuesday, 9 September, 1952 9.00—12.00 
Section on: Aerial Photography Interpretation In Natural Resource Inventories. 
Introduction Of Section Chairman, Mr. Kenneth Bradshaw — U.S.A. — Lt. 
Commdr. Robert N. Colwell. 
Photo Interpretation In Forest Inventories — Mr. Karl E. Moessner — U.S.A. 
Aerial Photo Interpretation In Water And Snow Inventories — Mr. William 
Hall — Canada. 
Interpretation Of Aerial Photographs For Range And Agricultural Inventories 
— Mr. Thomas Lommasson and Mr. Cullen E. Waldo — U.S.A. 
Aerial Photo Interpretation in Soils And Minerals Inventories — Mr. Donald 
J. Belcher — U.S.A. 
Aerial Photo Use And Interpretation In The Fields Of Wildlife And Recreation 
— Dr. Daniel L. Leedy — U.S.A. 
Third Session, Thursday, 11 September, 1952 2.35—5.15 
Section on: Military Photo Interpretation. 
Introduction Of Section Chairman, Captain Ragnar Thoren — Sweden — Lt. 
Commdr. Robert N. Colwell. 
Long Distance Photography In Ground Reconnaissance And The Possibilities 
It Gives For Photo Interpretation — Captain Ragnar Thoren — Sweden. 
Ground Photo Reconnaissance and Interpretation — Maj. B. von Vegesak — 
Photo Interpretation For Amphibious Operations — Mr. Charles G. Coleman 
and Mr. W. B. Cubby — U.S.A. 
The Development Of Military Air Photo-Interpretation —■ Mr. fohn H. Ros- 
coe — U.S.A. 
Close Support Photo Intelligence For Ground Forces — Mr. Ellis L. Rabben 
— U.S.A. 
The Military Problem Of Vegetation And Terrain Analysis By Airphoto Inter 
pretation — Mr. Page E. Truesaell — U.S.A.

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