Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

ing to the request from Commission I. I would also like to express our thanks 
for the opportunity that we had in revising some of the points of the specifi 
cation and I think now that it is quite a useful document that should be 
accepted by this Commission. 
Dr. Howlett: Thank you very much, Mr. Pryor. Is there any further dis 
cussion of this resolution? If not, I will call for a vote on it. 
The resolution was carried unanimously. 
Dr. Howlett: I have a resolution from Mr. Cruset, the French delegate, 
which I shall read: “The French representative proposes that, in the future, 
oral descriptions of machines and instruments should not be given from the 
rostrum of the Congress. Only communications outlining genuinely new prin 
ciples shall be allowed. In this way it would be possible to devote more time to 
communications dealing with researches, methods, practical results achieved, 
and discussions, and above all to a thorough tour of the exhibition. The various 
explanations which might be given to interested experts would be all the more 
valuable as those experts would have the instruments before them. It goes 
without saying that written communications describing new machines or 
machines now in service would be greatly appreciated and their titles might 
usefully be mentioned in the programme”. The meeting is open for discussion 
on this proposal. 
Mr. Schermerhorn: I agree with this idea, but it is not a specific point for 
Commission I. I believe it has to be brought up to Council of the International 
Society and has to cover all Commissions who deal with instruments. There 
was yesterday, as you remember, the same kind of remark in Commission II. 
Therefore, I would suggest that our French colleagues make this proposal free 
from Commission I and bring it up before the Council, as a general resolution 
Dr. Howlett: Is that satisfactory from your point of view, Mr. Cruset? 
Mr. Cruset: That is satisfactory. 
Dr. Howlett: I think the point is very well taken and we will consider 
the resolution as beyond the jurisdiction of this Commission. Mr. Cruset wishes 
to make a short statement with respect to a letter which he has received. 
Mr. Cruset: I have received a letter from Dr. Max R. Nagle of Trotwood, 
Ohio, telling me of investigations which he carried out in Germany during the 
second World War on the subject of image displacement during exposure. His 
articles were published during the war in Germany and in Italy. I have not 
been able to read them yet but Dr. Nagle has given me a list of them. This list 
does not enable me to say as yet whether the results are in agreement with 
those we have obtained at the French National Institute of Geography. I will 
be very pleased to read Dr. Nagle’s papers when I can obtain them. The aim 
of my present statement is to meet the wish expressed by Dr. Nagle that atten 
tion be drawn to his works at this Congress. I would add that I have always 
emphasized the consequences of image motion in photogrammetry and that 
the French National Institute of Geography intends to continue its researches

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