Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

figure 6. The original chart is 
placed on the center of a four 
times enlarged chart and the 
resulting composite chart when 
photographed at the standard 
distance has a range extending 
from 3 to 80 lines/mm. This 
process of expanding the range 
can be extended in both direc 
tions. For a reduction of the 
original target in the ratio of 
4 to 1, the reduced target has 
a range from 48 to 320 lines/ 
mm. If this is placed on the 
center of the expanded compos 
ite target, the resulting target 
has a range from 3 to 320 
lines/mm when used at the 
standard distance of 26 f. 
The circle charts in the 
center are for the convenience 
of those people who may wish 
to test goggles or sunglasses. At 
a distance of 35 ft. the radii of 
the circles 1 and 2 subtend 
angles of 1 and 2 minutes res 
These charts have been 
made to conform closely to 
specifications. They are print- 
Figure 6. 
Chart with range extended by photographic 
This chart is a composite formed by superposing 
the high contrast chart upon an enlarged copy of 
the master chart. The ratio of magnification is 4. 
The range of the composite chart is from 3 to 80 
lines/mm as compared to the original range of 12 
to 80 lines/mm. 
specification». an. 
ed from plates made by the Bureau of Printing and Engraving and are accu 
rately reproducible. It is believed that these charts might well be considered for 
acceptance as standard resolution test charts.

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