Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

Lexington, Arling- 
St., Phila. 47, Pa. 
Geographic Society, 
Island Ave., N.W., 
Service, Washing- 
Ave., Glenside, Pa. 
Highland St., Ari 
de, Slayton, Minn, 
iale Ave., Alexan- 
Columbus 14, Ohio. 
St., N.W., Wash- 
Petersburg, Fla. 
yn, N. Y. 
se, Alexandria, Va. 
id., Alexandria, Va. 
., Hyattsville, Md. 
iedral Ave., N.W., 
. Ave., S.E., Wash- 
h Place, East Riv- 
ashiell Rd., Falls 
ean St., Florissant, 
Ave., Newton Sq., 
Lve., N.W., Wash., 
t St., N.W., Wash. 
, North, Arlington, 
usetts Ave., N.W., 
livery, Woodbridge, 
Ivd., Falls Church, 
Cohan, Samuel H„ 1657 36th St., N.W., Washing 
ton, D. C. 
Coke, Virginia C., 30 Plattsburg Court, N.W., 
Wash., D. C. 
Coleman, C. G., 4718 Park Lane, Wash. 20, D. C. 
Coleman, Hall G., U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office, 
Wash., D. C. 
Collins, H. C., 5804 67th Ave., Riverdale, Md. 
Coiner, Bernard J., 4703 25th St., Mt. Rainier, Md. 
Colwell, Robert Neil, 53 Elmira St., S.W., Wash. 
20, D. C. 
Comer, Lt. Col. G. W., Jr., IJSMC, Headquarters 
U. S. Marine Corps (A020), Washington, D. C. 
Oonstans, Robert E., 4636 N. E. 95th, Portland 20, 
Cottrell, С. M., 16060 E. Workman, Puente, Calif. 
Cox, J. R., 110 E. Alex. Ave., Alexandria, Va. 
Cox, Kenneth W., 2713 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, 
Crabtree, James C., 2130 Patrick Henry Dr., Arl 
ington, Va. 
Craighead, Boyd C., 620 Quincy St., N.W., Wash., 
D. C. 
Crawford, Jack, 188 Dorking Rd., Rochester, New 
Crawford, William B., 3538 A St., S.E., Wash., 
D. C. 
Cravat, Harland R., Oak Ave., La Plata, Md. 
Crossett, George, National Geographic Society, 16th 
and M Sts., N.W., Wash., D. C. 
Crossman, L. W., 301 So. Hosmer St., Lansing, 
Crosson, R. V., 2809 15th St., N.W., Washington, 
D. C. 
Crouch, Leonard W., Photographic Engr., 
WPAFB, 1951 - Tuttle Avenue, Dayton 3, O. 
Cubby, William Bush, 3010 Lake Avenue, Cheverly, 
Cude, Mrs. W. C„ 7 Ft. Hunt Road, Alex., Va. 
Cude, W. C., 7 Ft. Hunt Road, Alexandria, Va. 
Culkin, Charles, 719 Chestnut Avenue, Falls Church, 
Cultice, J. M„ 3303 Alabama Avenue Alexandria, 
Cumbie, Lt. (jg) L. A., USNR, P.I.C., Naval Re 
ceiving Station, Washington, D. C. 
Cummings, Robert A. Jr., 239 Fourth Ave., Pitts 
burg, Penna. 
Westmoreland Rd., 
mplain St., N.W., 
Conservation Serv- 
l St., N.W., Wash- 
inden St., Alexan- 
#3, 6 Danbury St., 
Service, Washing- 
rthur Blvd., N.W., 
Penna. Ave., N.W., 
Arthur Dr., Rock- 
tt. #4, Vienna, Va. 
rk B, Rochester 7, 
.kefield St., Arling- 
Rd., Falls Church, 
rthur Blvd., N.W., 
rd St., N.E., Wash- 
th St., N.E., Wash- 
Zorthington Drive, 
. South, Arlington, 
umbus St., Arling- 
., S.E., Washngton 
ishington 25, D. C. 
ill, Southwest St., 
D’Acunto, Frank P., 276 Fifth Ave., New York, 
N. Y. 
Dalby, Orvis N.. U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, 
Washington, D. C. 
Dalthorp, Ens. George C., USN Rec. Sta., P.I.C., 
Anacostia, Washington 25, D. C. 
Darley, James M., Chief Cartographer, National 
Geographic Society, Washington 6, D. C. 
Da Santos, Aubrey H., 224 Cushing Ave., Willis- 
ton Park, N. Y. 
Da Santos, Mrs. Aubrey H., 224 Cushing Ave., 
Williston Park, N. Y. 
Davatz, Florian E., c/o Paul Reinhart Co., Inc. 
(Kern Surveying Instrument Div’n.), 66 Beaver 
St., New York 4, N. Y. 
Davidson, Mrs. John I., 9017 Lindale Drive, 
Bethesda 14, Md. 
Davidson, John I., 9017 Lindale Drive, Bethesda, 
14, Md. 
Davies, C. H., U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, 
Room 3109, Dept, of Commerce, Washington, D. C. 
Davis, Maj. Lavoi B., ACIO - Japan, Hq. FEAF, 
Box 604, APO 925, c/o Postmaster, San Fran 
cisco, Calif. 
Davies, Mabel V., 4217 Brandywine St., N.W., 
Washington, D. C. 
Deardorf, Kenneth R., 3040 Idaho Ave., N.W., 
Washington 16, D. C. 
Dean, Anthony P., 3900 16th St., N.W., Washing 
ton, D. C. 
Dean, Harold L., 2212 Park Place, Ft. Worth 4, 
Dedeka, J., 1549 Townsend Ave., Bronx, N. Y. 
Deeg, James J., Box 194C, R. #1, Spring Valley, 
De Grave, Charles Jr., 693 Marshall Rd., Rochester 
11, N. Y. 
Deibel, Charles P., 1133 - 13th St., N.W., Wash 
ington 5, D. C. 
Deimen, Lawrence A., 273 McMillan, Grosse Pointe 
Farms 30, Mich. 
Della-Corte, Joseph P., 108-25 67th Drive, Forest- 
Hills, L. I., N. Y. 
De Lancie, Richard, Lt.-Cdr. NR, 2244 Savannah 
Terrace, S.E., Wash., D. C. 
De Laney, Maurice, SA, 208 Williamsburg Dr., 
Silver Spring, Md. 
Denault, Milton F., USGS, 626 Beacon Rd., Silver 
Spring, Md. 
Dennis, Margaret E., 320 Constitution Avenue, N.E., 
Wash., D. C. 
Dennis, Walter K., 338 MIS BN., Ft. Meade, Md. 
Desautels, Arthur V., 2523 14th St., N.W., Wash. 
9, D. C., Apt. 406. 
Desloge, Capt. J. M., USAF, ACIO-Albrook AFB, 
Canal Zone. 
Dieaire, Arthur V., 1111 N. Chestnut, Lansing, 
Dickerson, Lewis A., 6006 Broad St., Wash, D. C. 
Dickerson, Mrs. Lewis A., 6006 Broad St., Wash., 
D. C. 
Dilonardo, A. L., Fort Washington, Md., Wash. 
20, D. C. 
Dimond, William J., 2527 Wenzell Ave., Pittsburgh, 
Dittmer, Richard E., 1509 16th St., N.W., Wash 
ington 6, D. C. 
Dix, Walter S., 601 - 19th St., N.W., Washington, 
D. C. 
Dobbins, Jesse, Geog. Survey, Wash. 25, D. C. 
Dobbin, John Vance, 2827 15th St., N.W., Wash 
ington 9, D. C. 
Dodd, Orrin E., c/o U. S. Forest Service, Potomac 
Sta., Alexandria, Va. 
Dodd, Wilbur O., 1116 Chepstow Lane, Falls 
Church, Virginia. 
Doelger, Walter L., 1003 Art Hill PI., St. Louis, 
Dole, Christopher H., 625 So. Quincy St., Arling- 
. ton, Va. 
Dombrowski, Lt. (jg) W. F., USN, Naval Photo 
Interpretation Center, Naval Receiving Sta 
tion, Washington 25, D. C. 
Dondzila, Raymond C., 9522 Ewing Dr., Bethesda 
14, Md. 
Doolittle, R. C., 4406 Glenridge St., Kensington, 
Dossi, S. W., 9517 Milstead Dr., Bethesda 14, Md. 
Doverspike, George E., U. S. Forest Service, South 
Bldg., Wash. 25, D. C. 
Dovholuk, Fred, 32 West St., Lincoln, N. H. 
Doyle, Irving W., 150 Shoreham Rd., Massapequa, 
N. Y. 
Doyle, Sgt. Thomas E., P. I. C., Washington, D. C. 
Draghi, Robert A., 37 Fern St., Floral Park, N. Y. 
Drobile, Robert J., 409 S. Adams St., Arlington, 
Druhot, G. S., 4506 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda 14, 
Drysdale, Charles C., 4904 Osage St., College Park, 
Dubbelde, Ruth L., 420 S. Buchanan, Edwardsville, 
Dudley, Robert E., Engineer Research and De 
velopment Laboratories, Fort Belvoir, Va. 
Dudley, Walter W., 3508 - 22nd St. N., Arlington 
7, Va. 
Duff, W. E., Coast and Geodetic Survey, Dept, of 
Commerce, Washington, D. C. 
Eastwood, Herbert E., 11301 Luxmanor Rd., Rt. 4, 
Rockville, Md. 
Edens, Mrs. Mary R., 1127 So. Harrison, Arling 
ton, Va. 
Ederheimer, Mrs. Hessie K., 14B Crescent Road, 
Greenbelt, Md. 
Edinger, Wilson F., 316 Rossiter Ave., Baltimore, 
Edmondson, Charles S. B. Jr., 3324 14th PL, S.E., 
Wash., D. C. 
Eichenberger, Carl G., 328 2nd Ave., N., Troy, N.Y. 
Eickhoff, Mrs. Florence N., 2100 Eye St., N.W., 
Apt. 302, Wash. 7, D. C. 
Einig, Stephen E., c/o Fairchild Camera & Instru 
ment Corp., 88-06 Van Wyck Blvd., Jamaica, 
N. Y. 
Elder, Vernon David, 1116 You St., S.E., Wash 
ington, D. C. 
Eley, Charles W., 958 North Kenucky St., Arling 
ton, Va. 
Elias, Maxim M., U. S. Geological Survey, Wash. 
25, D. C. 
Eliel, I>eon T„ 718 Burleigh Dr., Pasadena, Calif. 
Eiliel, Mrs. Leon T., 718 Burleigh Drive, Pasa 
dena, Calif. 
Elliott, Douglas H., Box 691, Casper, Wyo.

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