This is all the more astonishing, because very simple experiments and considerations
will show that the cosine fourth law is exact only for a diaphragm in the object space
in front of the lens and in no case for a diaphragm between the lens elements. It is
obvious that in the latter case the cosine fourth must be multiplied with a function
which depends on the construction of the objective. This function can be determined
either experimentally or mathematically.
In spite of the fact that the simplest experimental determination can be made in the
same way as the measurement of the vignetting, it would be incorrect to call it the
“vignetting function”. The actual vignetting is only one component of the function;
the second depends upon the property of the vignette-free passage of a pencil of rays
through the front half of the objective. While the variable vignetting factor depending
upon the angle of incidence may only be equal to, or less than, one, the second com
ponent determined by the lens construction can in a favourable case be considerably
higher than one. This leads to the conclusion that it is possible to design a distortion
free lens in which the second factor is greater than one over the entire image area.
The experimental determination of the function for the illumination loss is known.
Points of light situated in the picture plane are projected on a plane in front of the
objective and perpendicular to the lens axis. Depending upon the lens construction,
the diaphragm, and the incident angle a, each point will be imaged on this plane as a
disc having an area Q' a . The relation of Q ; a to Q 0 in the picture center where a = 0
shows whether the illumination loss of an objective is better, equal to, or worse than
that given by the cosine fourth law, depending upon whether Q' a / Q 0 is greater, equal
to, or less than one. The percentage of light loss from the picture center is calculated
Fig. 2 Determination of light loss for objectives Fig. 3 Determination of light loss for objectives
with front diaphragm. Under vignette free con- with internal diaphragm. The size of the image
ditions the image discs are circles of equal size. discs depends upon the construction of the lens.