Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Premier fascicule)

customary types. As indicated in figure 1, the film, in a removable cassette, is 
passing through the camera in the form of a loop. By means of a spherical plate 
it is pressed in the required radius of curvature. During transport of the film this 
plate is lifted. 
The shutter is a focal plane shutter, executed in the form of an endless band 
around the filmloop, provided with a slit. The movement of the film transport is 
coupled with the winding of the shutter spring, the whole assembly being operated 
by remote control. The motor-driven mechanism can be set to make single photo 
graphs as well as series of photographs, with a continuous variable speed up to 
ten pictures per second.

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